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Thursday, May 30, 2019


Sometimes you have a sandwich for breakfast. Today was one of those days, for me. I was able to enjoy it sans the appellate gaze and meaningful shifts in body position that the family dog accompanies my every meal with, for he was out on his walk.

Did you know that begging, to a dog, is like going to work for a human person? My dog stretches carefully, shakes his head a bit, does everything short of punch a clock and put on a cute little uniform before he sits down as close as he can get to me without losing a good angle for his giant sad brown eyes to peer without cease at my face, trying out a running gamut of pitiable and adorable facial expressions and even going so far as fretfully whining as he shifts from side to side on his butt that he sits on kinda sideways. He also licks his little chops. 


Today's sandwich was two pieces of regular supermarket sliced bread, one of the fancier brands, toasted, some French butter melted onto the bottom slice, a sweet cherry tomato about the size of a superball sliced and laid out, three and three quarter strips of applewood bacon grilled and cooked again slow in its own fat so it's dark and crumbly and dry on the outside and redolent with moist lipids on the bite*, as much baby spinach as I could get on there, and then I might have fried an egg but just put the top bread on and ate it.

Only better bread could have improved that sandwich. I'll coddle myself an egg later and eat it with spices. Or I shall cook a small amount of chicken meat.**


For a while now I've been needing to go and purchase clothing from a thrift store or two; a few t-shirts, maybe a pair of pants or shorts. I've had excellent success buying socks and underwear and solid black t-shirts online, but while I shall sometimes indulge in the odd internet purchase of a more "signature" garment, on the whole I prefer to venture into my analog environment and see what's what. 

One reason is that in an analog environment your girlfriend can come and look for stuff too, and then you can grab dinner somewhere. It's the meatspace advantage. 


Clothing! That is some high-concept shit right there. Mark Twain quote. 


Been playing it solid dark colors or white tees for a long minute now, with only the odd emblem or pattern to break the chromatic monism. I feel like I may have mentioned this. Today's aim for the wardrobe is the infusion of some linework, some multicolored affairs, perhaps a cool design or the exact right band or movie or provoking concept. Perhaps I will find a shirt with a meme on it. Perhaps a fine tie. 


The anime Kill la Kill involves itself deeply with clothing, and is extremely high-quality. I don't very often watch anime twice--I can count 'em on one hand--but I'd watch that again anytime.


Cool cool. I forgot to drink coffee earlier, which is weird. I fell asleep on the floor by my desk. The dog curled up to sleep by me, and before two minutes had elapsed he was up and barking loudly at stimulus I could not fathom. Such is coevally evolved interspecies cohabitation.

Look. He is a very good boy.


*my dad had cooked this ingredient before I got up, props to the old man

**I defrosted a frozen cornmeal-crust mushroom pizza. Some of the mushrooms were porcini. I may seek out pork and string beans, or eat a pork fried rice at a Chinese joint tonight for dinner. Some days are just like this, just eating pig all the time, pig flavors, collecting pig grease in a little jar, etc.

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