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Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Wearing a Jurassic Park t-shirt, specially tie-dyed in the colors of the electric tour cars from the first (and, if I want to be a dick, only) Jurassic Park movie--bright green, red, and yellow--with the famous logo on the front. Man, it feels spiffy. Boy, do I love Jurassic Park. Ezra and I are watching Amphibia to take the edge off of Owl House being over and having been violently and hatefully robbed as a culture of the proper amount of Owl House, but if we weren't, I'd want to watch Jurassic Park. Next time I watch it, I definitely want to be wearing this shirt.

Sometimes I think I'd be happy just writing books about how certain pieces of culture are very, very important. Jurassic Park is very nearly at the top of this heap. The problem with this dream is I end up feeling like writing about a thing and reading what someone wrote about a thing is often a very poor substitute for the thing itself. 

Also, trading on advanced-type, fancy ideas about a thing without actually knowing or giving one's own committed thought to a thing has caused huge problems in culture and society. Don't know that I want to contribute to that economy, even though I would find it pleasurable.




Next time, lists of books! God, look how horny you are for me to write down a bunch of books I got/read. You sick animal. Wipe your fucking mouth, you sinful beast. Your chin, too. 


Saturday, April 22, 2023


Damn, people! What a failure of a man types at you through the fibers at this moment. The information of my keystrokes weighs down the photons in the fiber, deep in the ground, and slow the beam just ever so imperceptibly, data made leaden by the foolishness and antiperspicacity (???) of this one man. 

Don't know why I feel so low, on the balance. It's just that I don't write enough, probably, not into this blog and not into new books, and that I don't feel like I've read enough this year even though realistically, I have. Is it also that I didn't get one hundred percent of the points it was possible to get in all five classes I was taking, while still working and taking care of two cats and a man? I still have all A's, is that just not good enough? This is the mindset I was protecting myself from in high school; this type of thinking is what made my mother's happiness inaccessible to her for so long. Is it that my husband is depressed, his grandfather recently deceased, funeral attended just this week? Is it that I wasn't home all last week, but rather, alone in my parent's house with the family dog, not getting all the work I wanted to do done? Is it just spring, fucking with me like it always does? I think often of dead friends and former lovers. I look down into the gutter and reminisce about heavy drinking. I start three sentences in a row with "I", which I hate and hate myself for. 

Probably all those things. But as I say, everything is also fine. A beautiful woman gave me her phone number, completely unsolicited. Even if nothing happens, that has to be seen as an absolute win from every angle. I found a free, barely broken-into pack of my preferred brand of cigs while walking the dog, smoked one, and threw the rest in the garbage, which must also be taken as a huge victory. An A that is not 100% is still a motherfuckin A. Even a B is great, in context. Fuck it, man. Why does a dude have to feel so heavy of a time? 

"That's just the way o' things, laddie," the old Scotsman in my mind sighs at me around his pipe, clapping 
his weathered, callused hand on my incorporeal shoulder. "Won't know what 'tis t'know no burdens till th' angel comes tah take us home."

It is truly a blessing to be as weird as I am, because damn, that actually does make me feel a lot better. Thank you, strange ghost. Thanks.


More than anything at the moment I would like to do the Camino de San Juan, down from northern France all the way to Santiago de Compostela, where I will, at the end, not go inside, probably. The Camino is the point, and to do it barefoot. That's what I need. Maybe if everbody dies, I'll do exactly that. If everybody in my life died, it would make an incredible excuse to fly to Europe, leave all my belongings behind, throw all my identification and money into a river, and wander from hostel to hostel until I expire by the side of a road. That's the kind of morbid-yet-uplifting shit flitting through my mind these days. 

The end, no moral, no point, on-brand, hell yeaaaaaaa


p.s. my friend started a blog whose first post seems...aggressively directed at me? I dunno. Regardless, they're a much better writer than I am at all points of entry and exit, so if you're into advanced concepts, check it out.

Sunday, April 2, 2023


Looking over some news, and came across some ideas I found too delicious to resist writing some ideas back at. Don't really know that it's a great thing for the blog to be used that way, as my personal comment thread, and I have tried to refrain from that, but it's been creeping back in lately. I mean, I could have written a lot more posts about China. Well, I did write them. I didn't publish them, though. That's something.

Anyway, the salient bits are this: more deepfaked and AI generated images than ever, human brain tasked with processing five percent more information per day every year and it drains people, information apocalypse, a construction worker can make a viral shitpost of the Pope in a puffer while tripping on shrooms and people will think it's real.

It's 2023, twenty years since I started lurking forums on the old web, and to this day I am amazed at how precise and applicable a predictive engine the language I absorbed back then proved to be. The Trump presidency was predicted. The takeover of meatspace by online dynamics and the escalation of the culture wars thereby was not only predicted but theorized, workshopped, designed, and launched, like a flock of autonomous drones darkening the skies. I watched it happen in horror and awe, astonished and fearful, like Ian Malcolm seeing the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park for the first time. The crazy sons of bitches did it, they said what they were going to do and they did it. Meatspace people still think Buzzfeed is like this normal thing that just happened organically instead of a psychic harpoon that punctured their blubber and extended poisonous barbs. Their methodology works on the micro to this day. Practically every niche tworter account swollen with ingroup influence, whose gyrations predict the shape of thousands of sycophant accounts, began as a "mere" shitpost/joke account, as Buzzfeed was once a "mere" shitpost/joke generator/aggregator. It's why my face twists over to one side when someone tells me to lighten up, it's "just" shitposting. It's like, son, I was there. Do you understand? I was reading the posts when these fuckers were telling each other how shitposting is never just shitposting, and this is how we prove it. I was there when they proved it, and now we are all here. 

It is my habit to trade in mental images, especially of internet; one of the reasons people were surprised for a long time that hadn't read Snow Crash. Well, now I have, and the image of ziggurat therein is a powerful one, dispensing the binary commands on which a society operates. How about this: a warehouse big enough to contain eight billion player pianos. 

Hm. I don't have much of a point, I guess, except that some of us have been girding our loins for this type of shit and the level at which it is starting to operate for decades. I have never imagined trusting words and images on internet; almost since I began daily usage I have understood that it is more like a dream than anything else, that words and pictures and even math can lie on internet and that to trust any part of it or think that it is real is to invite a kind of death into your mental processes. It is my overriding assumption, my phalanx, that statements of fact on the internet are designed to mislead your thinking, and that images have been manipulated. To adopt a more relaxed position is to invite calamity. That is all.


Another tidbit that I found delicious and amazing was that one Artificial Intelligence guy saying we will one hundred percent go extinct if we don't cut the AI shenanigans like immediately. 

It's like, I hope they stop too! But mostly because it's all been so stupid. It's been a stupid revolution, and it's a stupid way to die. Yet, it is a highly probable way to die. Hope killer AI gives me the chance to smoke that classic final cigarette, because stopping is not a thing we do, as species, as a global civilization. Even if by some miracle ninety percent of all labs and individuals everywhere did stop, the people who most should stop will continue, so as not to lose their precious edge over their competitors, who have not stopped because they know the first motherfucker won't stop, and so on around the world like a noose, plus the dumbfucks who don't stop because they think it's alarmist bullshit. 

At this point, I'm just glad for a surefire solution to climate change. That's probably a factor of my failure to reproduce, but I'm going to take comfort in it anyway. 


Against my better judgment, I grabbed Resident Evil VII.I.AGE, and it has been massively rewarding. Resident Evil 4 was never scary enough; this bastard plays like RE4, but it horrifies in a way playing as the world's twinkest superhero never could. No matter what fucked shit RE4 threw at me, I was ready to take it and fuck it up right back. There was tension--certainly, I didn't want to have my head chainsawed off, or plucked from my shoulders and devoured by a writhing parasite. But I was never terrified by the very concept. Playing RE7.1, I don't want any of this shit to happen to me, and on top of that, the things I'm seeing transcend tension and impact the very gut with basal, reptile fear. In RE4, I wanted to shoot the next thing, make progress, to prove my shit-hot skillset. I don't want anything in RE7.1 at all, I want nothing to happen, I want it all to stop, except for getting my daughter back, even though she's clearly some type of fungus, and so am I, apparently. Going by his example, all damage to the body--legs, shoulders, protracted blood loss, whatever--can be repaired by splashing one's left hand with plant extract and pure alcohol. 

It's like, I didn't play Resident Evil 7. Ezra's playing it now, though, and RE7.1 had a nice little recap. But he's definitely some kind of mutant, right? He's a bioweapon. This Mold shit has altered him fundamentally. But still, man. Some shit pierces the illusion. Not enough to block the incredible fear this game makes me feel, like a thick cold syrup invading my blood, but enough that I notice it every time.

Anyhow, I'm two bosses in--that shit in the basement of the house with the puppets was UNBELIEVABLY FUCKED--and I'm hoping this feeling lasts at least all the way through the first playthrough. I understand that subsequent playthroughs will be an exercise in dominance over the material, but for now, cold fear, please and thank you.
